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I'm not very good at it, but I really enjoy photography. My main camera is my Canon Rebel XS, which I am in love with. I got it for Christmas in 2009 without having a clue how it worked but with an eagerness to learn. Now, a year later, I find I am becoming more aware of the elements that make a good shot and occasionally I get lucky and take a picture that really knocks my socks off. Mostly, though, I find photography a great, albeit frustrating, learning experience.
Besides my DSLR, I have a small point and shoot which I take when I'm going to be out running or hiking and don't want to bother lugging the DSLR around. I tucked the point and shoot away in a drawer for about ten months when I got my DSLR and grabbed it when I was heading out for a trail run late in the fall. I'd spent so much time focusing on on the big camera, that I'd completely forgotten how simple it was to just, well, point and shoot. No worrying about ISO or aperture or exposure, just point it at something neat and press the button. Aah, the good old days.
Here's my current equipment and whatnot.
Canon Rebel XS
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS SLR Lens
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS Telephoto Zoom Lens
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Tiffen 58mm Digital Enhancing Filter Kit
Tamrac 3537 Express 7 Camera Bag
Velbon Tripod
Point and Shoot
Olympus FE-330
Photo Editing
Photoshop Elements 5.0