Friday, March 20. 2009 My life in a web comic IIPosted by Running Chick in My life in a comicComment (1) | Trackbacks (0) ![]() On to running. I ran out of excuses, so I had to go. Boo. But I got to use my new gear. Yay! The shirt was very comfortable but wasn’t as wicking as I had hoped it would be. I was wringing wet when I got home and I didn’t really work up that much of a sweat. Hrm. The insoles felt okay, but I’ll have to put a few more miles on them to get a solid idea on how they’re going to work out. I felt some hot spots here and there on my foot but I can’t be certain if they were caused by my socks or the insoles. And finally, my little four-day vacation was nice, but holeecow my calves and hammies are tight. It’s going to take a bit of stretching to get them back to where they were last Saturday. I think I’ll start with a nice session of killer yoga tomorrow after work. Get down with your dog yo. Thursday, March 19. 2009
The UPS guy left me a present this afternoon. Well, okay. I bought it, he just delivered it. But still, new stuff!
![]() The handy back pocket holds my iPhone perfectly, although it's probably to heavy to ride around back there. But, it'll easily fit a packet or two of Gu. ![]() Monday, March 16. 2009 It was so nice today, sunny and in the high 50’s. It was the prefect day to go for a nice, little run. Except that I spent the entire day sacked out on my couch hoping that my upset stomach would go away. I have the stomach flu. Or food poisoning. Or maybe that nasty creature from the movie Aliens decided that I was a good incubation pod. All I do know is that, I spent a good portion of last night laying on my bathroom floor (note to self: clean the floor) because I felt too shitty to get up and get into my bad. Today I have eaten crackers, Gatorade and soup which probably amounts to a total of 600 calories. If I wasn’t feeling so crappy, I’d be excited for the little shove toward my weight loss goal. So, my first run of the week was a bust. I was going to make up today’s run tomorrow, but then Josh told me I should just take it easy and drop the run. I’m thinking more and more that that’s the best plan so tomorrow will be an off day then I’ll pick back up on Wednesday. Tomorrow I’ll do my ass-kicking Hard-Body Yoga DVD. It’s an hour of sheer torture for every muscle in my body, but so effective! After doing it for about a month, I’ve added 1/2” of muscle to each of my biceps. Pretty sweet! |
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