Monday, June 1. 2009 I thought it was broken, but it's not. Just bashed all to hell. It's a lovely purple & red now, I wonder what it'll look like tomorrow? Maybe black! Ooh! I wonder if I’ll lose my toenail! Double ooh! The good news is that if I keep my shoe loose enough, it doesn’t bother me when I run. I did a quick 3 miles tonight around the neighborhood and it was okey dokey. This weekend is the Breakers to Bay 5 mile race. I haven’t trained at all, except for a few meetings of the Friday Night Run & Booze Club. I’m not sure that counts. This might end up being my first DFL finish. Oof. Friday, May 22. 2009
I sort of forgot I had a blog there for a minute. Well, actually I didn't, I've just been lazy and not feeling very bloggy.
The Eagle River HM went pretty well. I was secretly shooting for 2:15, but I guess 2:19 is fine too. That averages out to a 10:38 pace, but I'm not happy that I ran positive splits throughout. I'm going to attribute that to heading out of the gate way too fast. I checked my watch at the first mile marker and it was around a 9:30, and that's waaay to fast especially with 12 more miles ahead of me. I purposely slowed down after that, but since my Garmin was all over the place with my pace (one time it would show 11:30, I'd speed up and a second later it'd show 9:15) so I just couldn't keep anything consistent. Meh.
I didn't do as much hill training this time around because I had some calf issues toward the end of training that forced me to stick to mostly flat surfaces. This HM is hilly. It's not "OMG that's a giant hill up ahead" hilly, but there are little rollers along the entire course, one long climb from miles 7-8.5 and another nice roller around mile 11.5 that really take their toll. My quads were really feeling it in the last mile.
Race highlights:
- Snow! rain! wind! cold! Yes, the weather sucked. But, it was the beginning of May in Northern Wisconsin. We're lucky we didn't have a blizzard.
- The girl who accidentally set her Garmin 305 to give time alerts EVERY SECOND and couldn't figure out how to turn them off. I was so not running next to her for the next 13 miles, so I offered to fix it for her. I got thanks from several people after that.
- Noticing Bauer's Dam Resort/Bar at the mile 2 water stop. If I would have had cash, I would have stopped for a beer. It still counts as hydration, right?
- Making the mistake of telling a first time HM'r that there was a giant hill at mile 7. She about quit where she was. I had to do some serious back-pedaling on that one. Sorry, newbie.
- Stopping to chat with Josh, who took deer trails to make it to mile 4.5 and saved me from the weirdo who actually asked me if "...I come here often...". Dude, it's a race. Pay attention to your running and quit hitting on every girl that passes you. Sheesh.
- The old dude who cut me off at the 9 mile water station, then apologized and shared his Gatorade with me. We passed each other several times before I finally got him in the last half mile.
- Being pissed off because I couldn't beat the first power walker to the finish. I caught him on the last hill and I would have had him if he'd have stopped at the last water station like I did. The bugger.
Post-race highlights:
- Having my medal engraved with my name and time. Incorrectly. They sent me a new medal, correctly engraved a few days afterward, but that's the last time I get that done.
- The hot tub at the hotel. After being outside in the cold and wind for 2+ hours, it felt so good. But, I paid with seriously sore legs the next day.
- Booze-cruising! What else is there to do on a cold, windy day in Eagle River, WI but explore back-woods bars? We visited quite a few, but my personal favorite was Bauer's Dam Resort/Bar. Best nachos ever, and useful tips on how not to get arrested in downtown Eagle River after dark. Score.
- Josh wondering if the walls at Nero's Restaurant were going to collapse before we were done with our dinner. They didn't, but it was close.
- Secretly thanking the management at the hotel for requiring that people wear shoes and shirts to breakfast. Come on, people! We do not want to see your flabby beer guts while we're eating breakfast. You're not in your own house, you know. Totally gross.
So, it's been two weeks since the HM. I've been trying to get out running three times/week at least for some short 3-4 mile trail runs, which I'm really enjoying. Unfortunately I don't think I can effectively train for another HM by running trails alone so I'll be back on the road before long.
I've got some race pictures and a running skirt review to post, but I'll leave that for another time.
Ciao, peeps.
Monday, May 11. 2009
2:19:12 @ 10:38
I was hoping for faster, but the damn hills got to me in the end. They also got to my knees because they were seriously aching after the race. They're fine today, but my quads? Oh man. Last year I must have either run more hills in training or my pokey slow pace didn't lead to any post-race soreness because I sure don't remember being this sore. Stairs, curbs, getting in and out of the car..ooof.
I'm feeling coldy and sinusy and non-bloggy so I'll eventually get to the full race report. For now, I'll leave you with this awesome video that gave me a pretty good giggle.
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