Sunday, October 10. 2010 I’ve been scoring some seriously cool stuff on my runs. Last month, I found a shoe pouch on the trails at High Cliff in Appleton. Yesterday, I found a folding saw in a pouch. I think it’s this one. It seemed to be in good shape, so I decided to keep it, but I was only about 2.5 miles into my 7 mile run. I carried it my hand for a while but that drove me nuts (thus confirming once again that I’m a hands-free runner), then I tried stuffing it into the pocket on my Nathan vest, but it was too big. Tried shoving it in the waist of my capris, but that just made them start to creep down my side. I finally ended up shoving them in my fuel belt and it actually didn’t budge. I wonder what people thought about me when they saw me with that giant thing tucked into my belt. I felt like a swashbuckler, ha. Acutally, now that I look at my picture, I probably looked more like a giant Easter egg. Look at those colors I was wearing: pink, blue and yellow. I am embarassed at my lack of running fashion sense. Anyway, I completed my run with around 7.25 miles ticked off. I’m not sure of the exact mileage because the battery on my Garmin was deader than dead and I had to run by time only. I am way too OCD to be without my Garmin telling me my exact pace and distance and having no data and maps to scrutinize after my run was horrible! I ran out to Liminga and took my trail through the woods & came out at the Oskar Cemetery. The trail was thick with leaves, which made it pretty much impossible to see all the rocks, sticks and roots that are all over the place. It was fairly treacherous and all I wanted to do was get off it without breaking my ankle. 13.35 miles for me this week with no issues or injuries. Josh said “You’re healed!” or something like that. I said “SHUSH! DON’T JINX IT!!” or something like that. So yeah, I’m not talking about how I’m feeling great and my running is great and my legs are great. And I’m not not superstitious either. Wednesday, October 6. 2010 What's that you say? Halloween is coming up? You need costume ideas? Girls’s Costume Warehouse!!! Tuesday, October 5. 2010 Woo, busy weekend. Josh and I planned on heading to Marquette with the utility trailer to pick up some building materials on Saturday. We got as far as Baraga when some wheel-related thing happened and we came to a screeching (literally) halt on the side of the road. The wheel was too far gone for fixing, so we ended up calling in reinforcements. Oopsies. Marquette trip busted, day over. Sunday was my long run day and I ticked off six miles in the morning for a total of 12 pain-free miles for the week. That's pretty monumental for me. The last time I got up to twelve for the week was back in February. Who knows whan the last time I got there pain-free. I should have probably taken a rest day today, but the weather was too nice to not get out and do something, so I decided to take a little run on my favorite trails in Oskar. I took my camera with me to get pictures of the leaves, but they had already peaked and were pretty blah. So, I ended up taking a bunch of lame pictures of me running. My trail. Heart. Putting on my "Trail running is serious business" face. Yes, I’m an idiot. The stories are true. It’s hard to take your picture while you’re running. The blurry background makes me look fast! I’m not. Somebody besides me using my trail. The nerve! Just after taking this picture, I tripped and almost took a major digger. This is why I should never attempt to take pictures of me doing anything but standing still. Peace out. |
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