Tuesday, November 10. 2009 Better safe than sorryPosted by Running Chick in Cool Stuff, New toysComments (2) | Trackbacks (0)
I do all my runs and rides by myself. My previous method of identification when out running or biking was an old driver’s license with my contact info written in permanent marker on the back. It would have worked fine, except that I never remembered to take it with me. And then the info I wrote on the back wore off. So much for permanent markers. I carry my cell phone, which has my contact info in it, with me I debated about getting the ankle ID, but I’m not really into ankle bracelets, so I passed. Then I debated on the elite or the sport. I thought that maybe the nylon band on the sport would get stinky over time, so I went for the Wrist ID Elite. Then I debated about the color – there’s about a billion selections! Okay, there’s only nine, but anybody who knows me knows that I am horrible at making decisions when there are multiple choices. Especially when it comes to colors. Ooh, purple! No, that would look weird. Pink! No, I’m not really a pastel pink kinda gal. Red! Too racy? Orange! Nah. Yellow! Meh. Green! Ehn. Finally, I decided that I should select a color that fits my personality. So, I chose boring black. Because I’m boring. As soon as I ordered it, I wished I’d have ordered red. *slaps forehead* ANYWAY. The laser engraving of my emergency info on the tag is done really well. You can sort of get an idea of it in the picture above. I blurred out my info because even though I want first responders and ambulance people to read it, I don’t necessarily want all of the internet to know my emergency contacts or that I’m allergic to peanuts. Not that I’d wind up having to have a shot of peanut juice in an emergency situation, but I had one line left and didn’t know my blood type or have any witty or inspirational quotations to add. So, I thought – hey! I’m allergic to peanuts. That’s probably important to someone besides me! I’ll throw that on there. I bet the person who set up the engraving got a good giggle out of that. ANYWAY. AGAIN. I figure the best way to get into the habit of wearing my ID is to wear it all the time. So, I’ve been doing that for two days now, and it’s quite comfortable. And, since I got black, it goes with all my work outfits. Score. As an additional bonus, the nice folks at Road ID have extended a little discount to my friends who order one for themselves. To get $1 off your entire order in the next 30 days, using the coupon number: ThanksNancy559738 One final note. Accessories are pretty cheap. If I do decide to get that red wrist band, it’s only $12.99 and the id tag is, obviously, easily interchanged. Speaking of the tag, if my contact info changes (say, for example, if I were to give the BF the boot and wanted to remove his number..HI JOSH JUST KIDDING LOVE YA! xoxo, or I were to find out my blood type – which probably wouldn’t be a bad idea in the first place..) replacement tags are only $16.99 If you’re out working on your fitness by yo’self like me (ahem, Bad Decision Bicyclist), please consider a RoadID. You can thank me later. |
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